Today I am hosting lovely author Joy Preble and her newest book, The Sweet Dead Life. She wrote a guest post on her book and she is also having a great giveaway in celebration. Make sure you check this book out and, if you like the sound of it, enter the Rafflecopter below!

by Joy Preble
“I found out two things today. One, I think I’m dying. And two, my brother is a perv.”So begins the diary of 14-year-old Jenna Samuels, who is having a very bad eighth-grade year. Her single mother spends all day in bed. Dad vanished when she was eight. Her 16-year-old brother, Casey, tries to hold together what’s left of the family by working two after-school jobs— difficult, as he’s stoned all the time. To make matters worse, Jenna is sick. When she collapses one day, Casey tries to race her to the hospital in their beat-up Prius and crashes instead.Jenna wakes up in the ER to find Casey beside her. Beatified. Literally. The flab and zits? Gone. Before long, Jenna figures out that Casey didn’t survive the accident at all. He’s an “A-word.” (She can’t bring herself to utter the truth.) Soon they discover that Jenna isn’t just dying: she’s being poisoned. And Casey has been sent back to help solve the mystery that not only holds the key to her survival, but also to their mother’s mysterious depression and father’s disappearance.
THE SWEET DEAD LIFE: A Texas Makeover of the Angel Book
Joy Preble
THE SWEET DEAD LIFE (Soho Press) is a different type of
angel tale, narrated by fourteen- year-old Jenna, as tough as she is
sentimental, trying to figure out why the universe has sent her stoner brother
back as her guardian angel. Her brother Casey—more
than ripped-hottie-with-girls-falling-at-his-feet—has bitten the dust driving
Jenna to the hospital. A mystery ensues, part of which has already been
underway before the novel opens. Where did Jenna and Casey’s dad disappear to
five years ago? Why can their mom barely get out of bed? And now, who has been
poisoning Jenna and why? It is a mystery as much as it is a sibling tale. As
Booklist comments, “There’s a whole lot going on here:
poisonings, blackmail, sibling relationships, romance, and abandonment, in
addition to angels, but the unifying thread is Jenna’s clever, bitter,
self-aware, and loving voice.”
Yeah, I was
pretty thrilled about that review, especially since they went on to observe: “Preble’s lively descriptions and unusually
well-drawn, caring sibling relationship (a topic not usually explored in teen
fiction) are especially noteworthy.”
Which gets
me to the other thing that makes THE SWEET DEAD LIFE different. This is an
angel book without a central romance sparking the action. I’ll quote Kirkus
reviews for this: “Hallelujah! A
paranormal tale of angels that’s not a romance, making it a novel that breaks
the mold.”
Was I nervous about that? Not really. I believe that you
need to tell the story that needs telling, and this first book in the series
(The sequel, THE A WORD, arrives from Soho Press in May 2014) establishes the
over-arching global mystery that will carry throughout the books, sets up a
story about a brother and sister taking care of each other in dire albeit
sometimes darkly comic circumstances, and establishes the Texas
world—specifically, the northern suburbs of Houston— in which it takes place.
Romance is a part, but it’s not the main part. That will come in the sequel,
where Jenna gets her first boyfriend!
I really love writing Jenna and Casey! I hope my readers
find their sibling relationship both authentic and humorous. In my own life,
I’m the first born, but I think if I did have an older brother, I would want
someone like Casey, faults and all. Because despite everything that he has
given up—and continues to give up—he is there for Jenna no matter what. Of
course, in book two next year, Jenna has to navigate her first romance with her
guardian angel brother looking over her shoulder every second. Not exactly
every girl’s dream!
So THE SWEET DEAD LIFE, does, as Kirkus observes, ‘break
the mold.’ It is the angel book, Houston, Texas style: Kolaches and cowboy
boots and breakfast tacos. The chain store/ mall culture that is a large part
of the sometimes wastelands of the northern suburbs. Friday night Texas high
school football and marching bands. What better place to have angels
walking—looking just like your pot head next door neighbor. Only not exactly. A
brother and sister solving a growing set of mysteries. And guiding it all is
Jenna’s sarcastic and worldly-wise voice, but also her innocence.
This post
I hope this makes everyone want to read THE SWEET DEAD
LIFE! Thanks for inviting me to the blog today.
Raluca: I loved having you over! Thank you for the chance!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Raluca: I loved having you over! Thank you for the chance!
- signed copy of The Sweet Dead Life(US)
- swag pack (INT)
- ebook copy (INT)
- 3 winners (one for each prize)
- must be 13+ to enter or have your parents' permission
- winning entries will be checked for accuracy
It sounds really interesting!
RăspundețiȘtergereThank you for the giveaway! ^^
I'm glad you like the book. I wish you good luck! :)
ȘtergereThank you so much for this amazing book giveaway! I adore Young Adult books and sweet dead life sounds like a brilliant teenage read.
RăspundețiȘtergereThanks for entering! May the odds be in your favor! :D
ȘtergereI saw this book being given away on BookTrib and I tried desperately to win it to no avail. Thank you for another opportunity to win such an awesome looking book. :)
RăspundețiȘtergereIt looks awesome indeed!
ȘtergereI hope you get to read this book. :)
The books looks super great!
RăspundețiȘtergereI also love the cover. :D
ȘtergereThank you for entering!
cant wait to read this if I win!
RăspundețiȘtergereit isn't letting me paste my goodreads profile link can you just take my word that I have one and it is
It's ok. I found your profile. Thank you for entering and good luck! :)
ȘtergereThanks for the super giveaway
RăspundețiȘtergereThanks for entering! ;)
ȘtergereThank you! Giveaway prizes are courtesy of the author. :)