Publication: February, 2013
Genre: YA Paranormal
Bound to the water bound to land, a Siren’s soul will never be safe on either side of the ocean’s surface. Hidden beneath the rolling waves lies the secret to Theia’s past and as she unveils each haunting truth, she realizes the last seventeen years of her life have been a lie.
Now, drawn into a mysterious new world and with nowhere to turn, Theia must place her trust in Luc, a beautiful boy who stops her heart with each dazzling smile, but even his unearthly charm can’t hide the truth—he has secrets— dark secrets binding him to his world—an underwater world where Theia will never belong—a world determined to destroy her soul.
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Interview with author Tiffany Daune
What inspired
you to write Surface?
I've always
loved mermaids, even the singing ones. I really wanted to explore the darker
side of the mermaids I grew up with and at the same time introduce a crossover
of other water beings into our world. I love when fantasy blends with reality.
Is there
anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?
focused. I am the most distracted person in the world. If you called me up and
said 'hey do you want to go to a balloon animal making workshop?' I'd so be
Who is your
favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?
Wow, to
pick one, would be crazy, but if I must, I'd have to say JK Rowling. She is the
queen of imagination. She draws every age of reader into her world and
transforms the reading experience as if the book was written solely for you.
What is
your favorite Quote?
can be found, even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the
light. ~ Albus Dumbledore
do you do in your free time?
obsessed with going to the movies. If I had more time, I would be there every
Do you have
anything specific that you want to say to your readers?
dream big, believe in those dreams, and when they come true, seek to inspire
others so they may spark the light within themselves.
Author Bio
Tiffany Daune doesn't get why people want to grow up or why anyone would ever stop eating candy. Her purse is filled with books, lip gloss and a few pieces of Lego bricks. She writes best with a dish of chocolate chips on hand and finds licorice makes a better straw than plastic.
She lives on an island and believes mermaids may be raiding her candy stash, though she hasn't caught them, yet.
Surface is her first novel and pairs well with gummy sharks.
Author Links:
For this tour stop we have two giveaways.
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Suna dragut, nu prea am auzit de carti cu sirene pana acum :-? Exceptand, bineinteles, Mica Sirena, dar nu cred ca se pune :))
RăspundețiȘtergereHmm, ai dreptate. Cred că se scrie mult despre asta prin străinătate, dar la noi nu prea ajung traduse. Găsisem câteva cărți în română despre sirene, totuși nu am citit niciuna (în afară de Mica Sirenă, evident). :)
ȘtergereWhat a great giveaway! Thanks! :)
RăspundețiȘtergereI wish you good luck! :)
ȘtergereThank you for the author ♥ today!
RăspundețiȘtergereAnytime! I hope it will be helpful to you. :D
ȘtergereAlso, thanks for stopping by!
Thanks so much for both giveaways! I haven't read many books with mermaids but I really want to read this one. I've always loved the part of Peter Pan with the mermaids and the current book I'm reading (Earl with the Dragon Tattoo) features a hero who is saved by a mermaid. Thanks again!
RăspundețiȘtergerePeter Pan was such a cute read! I didn't pay much attention to the part with the mermaids, but now that I think about it, it was really nice. :D I haven't read any book about mermaids, except the short stories I used to love as a child, but I will try to in the near future. :)
ȘtergereCommenting as requested. Your layout is lovely! I don't usually like pink, but I love how simple and clean this site is. :)
RăspundețiȘtergereThank you!! I'm really happy to hear this. :)
ȘtergereThanks for the giveaway! I really want to read this book.
RăspundețiȘtergereYour review was really helpful and I enjoyed reading it. Thanks!
This is actually the official synopsis, provided by the author, but maybe in the future I will be able to review the book myself. :)
ȘtergereAnyway, thank you!! :D
This looks so great! Thanks for sharing with us! I adore that cover as well.
RăspundețiȘtergereBooks like this make me wonder whether the author had any influence from friends and family while writing it.
Thanks for the giveaway!
mestith at gmail dot com
Thank you and good luck! :)