15 oct. 2013

Keep being yourself!

I simply love tumblr! It always makes me feel so confident and optimistic. ^_^

Here's a great post I found some time ago:

Reblogged from: http://little-inocent-mouse.tumblr.com/.
Also if you want do add me on tumblr, here's the link: raluky.tumblr.com

Don't forget to follow the advices above! :)

10 oct. 2013

Cover Reveal and Giveaway ♥ The Star Catcher

If you enjoy reading about magic and fairytales, The Star Child series by Stephanie Keyes is a really cute choice. Today I am really excited to be part of the Cover Reveal for the third book, The Star Catcher.

The Star Catcher (The Star Child #3) By Stephanie Keyes
The Star Catcher (The Star Child #3)
By Stephanie Keyes

Release Date: Fall 2013
Publisher: Inkspell Publishing
Cover Designed by: Najla Qamber Designs

Book Summary
Magick and destiny intertwine as he fights to save his kingdom and the goddess he loves.
Her kiss…the feel of her skin…the beat of her heart…For seventeen-year-old Kellen St. James, each memory is marred by a single sentence on a lone strip of paper.
Cali has been taken…
Armed with an amulet that channels the ultimate power of Faerie, Kellen searches for his love. However, control of the amulet’s energy comes with a price, and Kellen soon learns that Cali’s captor has plans for the stone. With the threat of the Star Catcher’s evil looming above Kellen and his kingdom, he’ll have to free the Heart of Faerie and break the curse the binds the Children of Danu to the darkness. But before that, he has to find his real father, the king. No pressure, right?
Kellen and Cali will battle bewitched armies and unknown foes as they fight to stay together. Will Kellen embrace his immortal destiny? Or will his world, and the man he is fated to become, be destroyed by The Star Catcher?
Pre-Order HERE!

Previous books in the series:

About the Author

Stephanie KeyesStephanie Keyes has been addicted to Fantasy since she discovered T.H. White as a child and started drumming up incredible journeys in her head. Today, she's still doing the same thing, except now she gets
to share those ideas with readers!

When she's not writing, Stephanie is also a graphic designer, international speaker, teacher, musician, avid reader, and Mom to two little boys who constantly keep her on her toes. In addition, she's best friend to her incredible husband of eleven years.

Mrs. Keyes holds an undergraduate degree in Business and Management Information Systems from Robert Morris University and a M.Ed. from Duquesne University. She is a member of the Society For Children's Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI), as well as a featured author in the global group of writers, Love a Happy Ending.com.

Keyes is the author of the YA Fantasy series, The Star Child, which currently includes The Star Child, After Faerie, The Fallen Stars, and the soon to-be-released finale, The Star Catcher (November 2013), all from by Inkspell Publishing. Mrs. Keyes is hard at work on a new YA Paranormal Romance.

***Author Links***


a Rafflecopter giveaway
Cover Reveal Organized by:

3 oct. 2013

{Nerd Blast} Back to You by Annie Brewer

Back to You by Annie Brewer
Back to You by Annie Brewer
Genre: YA Romance

On the outside, 17 year old Abby Lewis has it all. She is dating the HS Football star, has a best friend anybody would kill for and a love and passion for singing that could send her to Broadway. But on the inside a storm is raging inside of her that she can no longer hide. As her life at home becomes more unbearable she turns to the only rock she has ever known, Lucas. When her father abandoned her and her sister, Lucas was there to help her pick up the pieces. And now that her dad wants back in her life, Lucas will again be her source of strength. But she isn’t his and Abby can’t stand the thought of being anyone else’s. Will she ever be able to let go of the past? Or will she let it control her for good?

You can purchase Back to You at the following Retailers: 

About Annie Brewer

Annie BrewerAnnie Brewer leads several lives. At home she’s a caring mother of two with a heart of gold. Online, she’s a best friend to several and puts a smile on her many fans every time she utters a word. In her own world, she’s a dreamer. But the biggest part of her is made of books, books, and more books. It’s not a surprise she’s turned out to be such a talented young author. Some of her many hobbies include reading, drooling over Ian Somerhalder, Channing Tatum,and Christian Grey (etc.), reading, reviewing, reading, watching Vampire Diaries, reading, and last but not least WRITING like a maniac. She currently resides in Texas, where she dies of heat-strokes every few seconds, with her many books and book-boyfriends, and her two adorable little girls.


10 Winners will receive an E-Copy of Back to You.
3 Winners will receive a Back to You Bookmark.
Must be 13+ to Enter
International Giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

2 oct. 2013

Obiceiuri livreşti - tag

Carti de Jane Austen

Ce bine mă simt să fiu înapoi pe blog! În ultimele zile am fost stresată cu primele cursuri şi cazarea, dar cred că lucrurile se vor aşeza încet-încet. Vă voi povesti curând despre prima săptămână de facultate, iar între timp am primit un tag interesant de la Iri. Stau foarte prost cu timpul şi nu vă pot eticheta sau anunţa personal, deci oricine îl vrea îl poate posta şi lăsa link.

1. Ai vreun loc preferat în casă în care citeşti?
În patul surorii mele (are pătura mai pufoasă). :3

2. Semn de carte sau o hârtiuţă oarecare?
Semn de carte. Când nu am alternative mai pun şi câte o hârtiuţă, dar nu îmi prea place.

3. Poti sa te opreşti din citit brusc sau trebuie să termini pagina/capitolul?
Încerc să termin măcar paragraful.

4. Mănânci sau bei in timp ce citeşti?
Da, îmi place să ronţăi dulciuri sau să beau ceva cald.

5. Poţi să citeşti în timp ce te uiţi la TV sau asculţi muzică?

6. Citeşti cărţile pe rând sau mai multe simultan? 
Am prostul obicei de a începe mai multe cărţi simultan, dar cel mai bine citesc când le iau pe rând.

7. Citeşti doar acasă sau peste tot?
Citesc doar acasă. La şcoală mai citeam şi în pauze, acum nu cred că voi mai avea timp pentru că trebuie să mă plimb între clădirile universităţii. Nu pot să citesc în maşină sau autobuz, dar în tren e foarte plăcut.

8. Citeşti cu voce tare sau în gând?
În gând, fireşte. Am avut tentativa de a citi o carte în engleză cu voce tare, pentru a exersa pronunţia, dar nu merge aşa. 

9. Sari pagini?
Nu sar pagini, oricât ar fi de plictisitoare. 

10. Scrii pe cărţi? 

Au mai completat: Ale Criss♥Andra♥, Eny eNy

Aveţi grijă de voi până data viitoare! :*